APK TRUC: Android's Antivirus APK DOWNLOAD

jeudi 5 juin 2014

Android's Antivirus APK DOWNLOAD

Android's Antivirus APK DOWNLOAD

Android's Antivirus APK FREE



Android antivirus solution is the most important protection software for Android world. Android Antivirus is based on the belief that Android users around the world both need and deserve complete mobile protection.
Android Antivirus is a PPA with 11 amazing features.
The main features are:
Virus Protection
Good to know someone back, and if you
Android Antivirus install you know that you are protected at all times.
With a deep scan option as well as new automatic application
scans - you know that viruses, malware and Trojan horses have no chance.
• Detects threats from viruses, Trojans,
Malware, Spyware, PUAs, aggressive adware, and more
• Deep Scan Scan & SD
• Real-time protection automatically scans new apps
Technology Industry leading virus detection was Android Antivirus
assessed and evaluated by a very independent 3rd party antivirus
competent authority. This technology allows a very high percentage
malware detection rate of success with statistically null
false positives.
Put your phone in blocking the security and privacy! With
Android Antivirus Security, you can see a list of all the applications you and your
permissions in an easy to understand potential risks
prioritized and marked, then choose what to trust and that
• Complete Audit permissions on all apps for Security and privacy risks
Trusted List Management Applications
Keep your personal information private with Android Antivirus Privacy
Protector. Text messages are quite clear, market research, web browser
potentially sensitive records of history, Belgian history, map and other
information in one place - fast and easy!
• Cleans up to 9 logs sensitive data with one click
The phone is equipped with important information, but what if
you had to lose it? Android Antivirus backup, you may need
peace of mind knowing that their photos, videos, contacts,
SMS messages, MMS messages and phone logs are supported
secure. If your phone is lost, stolen or destroyed in
information can be obtained from the cloud through easy
another phone or a computer that has Internet access.
Safe and easy to get to - what more can you?
Signal Booster
An important call for poor reception Never miss again
Android Antivirus signal amplifier. Not only does this strengthen your appeal
signal with the single touch of a finger, but advanced navigation
present the relative placement of masts near to you
never have out of reach when you most need it.
Phone Tracker
It is a nightmare for any person to lose their phones in all
valuable information to store on their devices. The Phone
Android Tracker gives users peace of mind while keeping your
safe devices. By logging in AndroidsAntivirus.com,
users can locate on a Google map your lost phone
Android Antivirus - Complete Android Security



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